Thursday, March 15, 2012

Features of Adobe Dreamweaver

1.     Spry framework for Ajax - With Adobe Dreamweaver, you can visually design, develop, and deploy dynamic user interfaces using the spry framework for Ajax. The Spry framework for Ajax is a JavaScript library for web designers that allow designers to build pages that provide a richer experience for their users. Unlike other Ajax frameworks, Spry is accessible to both designers and developers alike, as 99% of it is actually HTML.
2.     Spry widgets - Spry widgets are prebuilt, common user interface components that you can customize using CSS, and then add to your web pages. With Dreamweaver, you can add a number of spry widgets to your pages, including XML-driven lists and tables, accordions, tabbed interfaces, and form elements with validation.
3.     Spry effects - Spry effects are a simple, elegant way of enhancing the look and feel of your website. You can apply them to almost any element on an HTML page. You can add Spry effects to enlarge, shrink, fade, and highlight elements; visually alter a page element for a certain period of time; and more.
4.     Advanced Photoshop CS3 integration - Dreamweaver includes enhanced integration with Photoshop CS3. Now, designers can simply select any portion of a design in Photoshop even across multiple layers and paste it directly into a Dreamweaver page. Dreamweaver presents a dialog box where you can specify optimization options for the image. Should you ever need to edit the image, simply double click the image to open the original layered PSD file in Photoshop for editing.
5.     Browser Compatibility Check - The new Browser Compatibility Check feature in Dreamweaver generates reports that identify CSS-related rendering issues in a variety of browsers. In code view, issues are flagged with green underlining, so you know exactly where the problem is. After you identify the problem, you can quickly fix it if you know the solution.
6.     Adobe CSS Advisor - The Adobe CSS Advisor website contains information on the latest CSS issues, and is accessible directly from the Dreamweaver user interface during the Browser Compatibility Check process. More than a forum, a wiki page, or a discussion group, CSS Advisor makes it easy for you to comment with suggestions and improvements to existing content, or to add new issues for the benefit of the entire community.
7.     Manage CSS - The Manage CSS feature makes it easier for you to move CSS rules from document to document, from the head of a document to an external sheet, between external CSS files, and more. You can also convert inline CSS to CSS rules, and place them where you need them just by dragging and dropping.

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