Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How do you manage multiple e-mail accounts in Microsoft Outlook?

1.      Outlook can manage all your e-mail account for you, becoming one central place to work with all your messages.
a.      Sending Messages from Multiple Accounts.
When you are sending messages, you are in control of which account Outlook uses. You can tell Outlook to use a different account.
·        When you create a new message, Outlook assumes you’ll want to use the default account to send it unless you specific a different account.
·        If you are replying to a message, Outlook uses the account that the message came in on. If you receive a message sent to your account, and you click Reply or Reply to all, Outlook would assume you want to send the reply using that account.
·        When you forward a message, Outlook will assume you want to do so using the same account as the original message.
·        You tell Outlook which e-mail account to use when you have the message window open. When you have multiple accounts set up, you will see an Account Button below the Send Button. Click the account button, and Outlook will display a menu containing all your e-mail accounts. Select one, and Outlook uses that one to send your message.
b.      Changing the Default Account.
·        You may sometimes decide that you want Outlook to use a different e-mail account as your default. If you want to change the default, follow these steps:
                                                                    I.            Go to the main Outlook menu and click Tools>Account Settings to open the Account Setting dialog box.
                                                                  II.            On the e-mail tabbed page of the Account Setting dialog box, find the box listing all your e-mail accounts. Click the account you want to make your new default account.
                                                                III.            In the space above the account list, find and Click Set as Default. Outlook dims this option until you select a new account to use as default.
                                                               IV.            The list rearranges itself so the new default option appears at the top of the list.
                                                                 V.            Click Close.

·        Another step to change default account:
                                                                                I.            Go to control Panel.
                                                                              II.            Click on User Accounts and Family Safety.
                                                                            III.            Click on mail.
                                                                           IV.            Click on E-mail accounts.
                                                                             V.            Click the account you want to make your new default account.

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